Good Gaming Network

Good Gaming Network is the biggest English speaking Minecraft network on the top list. It comprises mainly of 5 different highly popular and very unique servers/game modes: skywars, prison, duel, survival, creative and factions. Each of the game servers guarantees 100% constant uptime and 100% server stability no matter your timezone or the time of day, when you need us we'll be there.
We offer a wide range of activities in each of our servers whether you enjoy mini-games or server-wide events - we have something for everyone. All of our events are completely inclusive no matter your skill level or your ability; we don't care about your prior experience or your lack of it. We appreciate your decision of starting fresh on a brand new up and coming server.
We aim to provide the best possible experience while you play on any of our game servers. There are thousands upon thousands of customizable features in our launcher so you can tailor the gameplay to how you like it, so come and check us out today!