VengeancePS | 317 | Unique Content | NEW

vengeanceps-317-unique-content-new RSPS
317 - Clan Bossing | Flawless PvP | PK Bots | 30 + Bosses | Raids | Unique Content | 10+ Minigames
Welcome to Vengeance Private Server. We are a brand new 317 Pre-Eoc server with some RS2 features. The last few months have been a time for us to develop, come up with innovative ideas, and advertise for our release today (21st May 2020).
VengeancePS is a game created by players for players. Which means our development team understand exactly what YOU want and have instilled that within our flawless gameplay.
This is a PvP, PvM, bossing, skilling, event filled, private server with enough content to keep you occupied for a very long time. With this, we will be adding features and content daily, so please do post your suggestions on our forums.
Donations will keep us going, so please take advantage of our deals seeing as we are newly released.
25+ Bosses
No Lag
Exciting pvm
Updated daily
Rev Town
Working Inferno
Fully functional skills
Fully functional Ancient effigies
Skill prestige
Professional and mature staff team
Fully working Pets
Safe PvP zones
Customs (not allowed in PvP)
Player owned shops
All skills fully functioning
Teamed bosses