
volatile RSPS
* All OSRS Exclusive Bosses, as well as well a few custom bosses such as the Holy Knuckles, Enraged Graardor, Enraged Tarn, and many more!
* Fully implemented particle system as well as animated items! Such as the Competition cape and custom particle effects on items!
* HD Texture system to maximize the aesthetics of the environment!
* A wide range of game modes to play from, including Normal, Extreme and Classic modes, as well as HC Ironman, UIM , and normal Ironman!
* Custom minigames that have never been seen before with custom rewards!
* Unique Teleportation System to get around effortlessly!
* Daily rewards! Keep your log in streak high to achieve the best rewards!
* Custom Maps, Items, Objects, and NPC's tastefully added to enhance your gameplay experience!
* Idle rewards that reward your character for just staying logged in!
* World events that occur every 30 minutes!
* And Unique Shooting Star event every 3 hours!
* Many Point Reward Systems, such as Skilling, PvM, PvP, and Boss points!
* Store Tokens System includes buying ranks such as donators, items, membership bonds and skilling packs
* Slayer remastered with new rewards and NPCS
* Well of Good Fortune
* Achievements System
* Task System
* Prestige system
* 170 data has been packed (Theatre of blood)
* Tons of bugs have been fixed
* A PvP Tournament (Ran through admin commands)
* Original Custom items such as the Justiciar's Sword & Justiciars Shield (Dropped by the custom raids 1)
* 2 Custom Raids have been added (the first drops Nex sets + Zaryte bow | the second drops Chaotic weapons)
* Revenants with PvP armor drops
* Working Infernal cape textures
* Custom edgeville home area
* Working Twisted Bow
* Several new bosses (one magic only boss that drops staff of light)
* A new Experience rate (Classic)
* We've reworked the whole economy so that players Feel a sense of accomplishment when receiving loots
* Automatic Events (Boss events, Double exp, Double drop rates, Double coin/BM drops) now working 100%
* Hourly Reward system (potential Loyalty system)
* Mini Barrows Pets & 10+ other new pets including pets for the Custom Raids
* And so much more!